Irrigation Of Natural Grass

Is irrigation important for the natural grass of your garden? Lawn watering tips. Hose irrigation systems versus automatic irrigation.

Irrigation is one of the most important drivers of your garden, along with fertilizing and mowing. The main objective of irrigation is to optimally moisten the soil to keep the natural grass bright, green, and beautiful. Lawns do not need too much or too little water. The reasons are diverse. For example, excessive irrigation harms the soil because it would become compacted. This does not allow oxygen to enter the soil.

Consequently, the natural grass could die from suffocation. Another cause that can cause abundant watering is the existence of diseases such as fungi. Furthermore, if we water the garden too much, it could dissolve the nutrients in the fertilizer.

On the contrary, lack of watering is not good either because they could wither and die. If the grass is yellowish and dull, it is due to a lack of water. The first sign of drought is when the grass begins to turn grayish-green. If we act urgently, it could recover.

Finally, there are two ways to water the grass in our garden. On the one hand is hose irrigation. There are more efficient ways to water your garden because it is not watered evenly. In any case, it would be useful for very small gardens and not very hot areas. Furthermore, you need time to carry out this task. On the other hand, automated sprinkler irrigation saves time and money in the long term.

The Placement Of Drip Irrigation Hoses.

Surely more than once and more than twice, you have seen on the street or in the park how the drip hoses that should water a tree, a hedge, or a specific area of ​​grass are , the cars parked nearby or even the legs of the absent-minded walker.

Drip displaced and happily water the paving stones of the sidewalkirrigation systems for trees and public and private green areas can be displaced for many reasons: wind, rain, or a dog or cat digging nearby… Thus, the first trick to save water is as simple as necessary: ​​periodically check the placement of the irrigation devices and replace those displaced.

I Am Watering All Areas And Plants Equally.

One of the most frequent mistakes that novice gardeners make, which involves a tremendous waste of water and money, is installing the cheapest automatic irrigation system, turning on the tap, and letting the water run happily through your garden.

Knowing the water needs of your plants, vegetables, grass, trees, and flowers is essential to saving water in your garden. If you don’t know, ask an expert in agriculture and gardening: a neighbor, a professional gardener, a nursery salesman… As soon as you know that information and adjust the irrigation to the species, I assure you that you will save water and, of course, quite a bit. Money.

They Are Not Aerating And Treating The Soil.

Another classic way to avoid wastewater in your orchard or garden is not keeping the growing soil well-hydrated and loose. Dry, poor, and hard soil does nothing but waterproof the ground and prevents water from nourishing the roots of plants, hedges, and trees. The water you pour on this hard ground will slip and stay in the first hole it finds, leaving the species that need it thirsty in your empty pocket by watering and watering without seeing results.  A good and indispensable motor home.

Irrigation Of Natural Grass