Irrigation System

Automatic Underground Irrigation System

With an automatic underground sprinkler irrigation system, everything is an advantage. You save water and, with it, money since it waters in a more efficient and controlled way. You can choose the precise irrigation schedule and time. The intensity and frequency of watering depend on the type of grass, the climate, and the nature of the soil. Irrigation occurs evenly and gradually, similar to a gentle rain.

If you are going to install a buried automatic irrigation system, keep in mind that many of the parts that make up it go underground, so it is important that you decide before sowing the meadow.

Parts of The Underground Irrigation System

  • They are responsible for throwing water on the grass. They can be of two types:
  • Diffusers, which project a continuous curtain of water in the form of small droplets suitable for small lawn areas.
  • Sprinklers or turbines are best suited for large surfaces and move while launching the jet of water.

Pipes of different sizes, connectors for solenoid valves, collars, elbows, T-pieces

They are made of polyethylene or PVC and serve to assemble the network that allows the circulation of water from the intake to the diffusers or sprinklers. They remain buried.

Solenoid Valves

They are the parts that open and close the water flow in response to the irrigation programmer's commands. They are necessary in gardens with several irrigation zones, each requiring a solenoid valve. Some include a programmer for small gardens.


It is used to sift out particles carried by the water, which could clog the system's different parts.

Pressure Reducer

Ensures adequate pressure for the operation of the sprinkler irrigation system. Many pressure reducers include a filter.

Reflux Control Valves

They prevent the water from the automatic irrigation pipes from returning to the domestic network circuit.

Container Arch

Tank with a door at the top that houses several solenoid valves, and the multi-zone programmer is buried at ground level.

Rain Sensor

It is an external device provided with a small tray that, when filled with water, sends a signal to the programmer to suspend watering. It is a very useful instrument to save water. Some programmers include it.

The watering frequency varies depending on the location’s climate and will be determined according to the appearance of the lawn. The need for water can be identified when the grass turns a bluish-green color and when footprints remain marked on it since the lack of water makes it difficult for the blade to recover its original position.

Irrigation Time and Frequency

The ideal would be to water the grass right at that moment since the deterioration is minimal, and as soon as the grass receives water, it recovers. Watering it before observing these signs provides no benefit.

As the drought of the grass increases, it wilts and turns grayish-green in color. When the grass is withered, it should be watered immediately, and it will recover quickly. If severe drought occurs, the plant stops growing, and the leaves turn brown and die. When watered at this point, the grass can survive. It would take three weeks to produce new leaves to recover fully.

Volume Applied For Irrigation

Sprinklers connected to 3/4-inch hoses apply a small volume of water; for this reason, they should be left running in the same area for 2 or 3 hours to moisten the root zone deeply.

Automatic irrigation systems with water outlets in all directions simultaneously can apply a large volume in 10 or 15 minutes, and rotating sprinkler systems can apply the necessary water in 30 or 40 minutes.

Time Of Day To Water

The ideal time to water is between 4:00 and 8:00 in the morning. At this time, the wind does not interfere with irrigation, and there is almost no water evaporation. Watering in the afternoon causes an increasing incidence of diseases. This inconvenience can be reduced by watering only when the grass needs it and sporadically but deeply. Watering during midday is ineffective since a large amount of water evaporates, making it very difficult to moisten the soil adequately and even burn the grass.

Create A Garden With Easy Maintenance And Automatic Irrigation.

Another way to care for your garden more conscientiously is to install an automatic irrigation system. This is a method to water your outdoor plants smartly. This will allow you to program the amount of water you want to water your garden and the time and frequency.

One of the most efficient systems is drip irrigation, which offers greater control over the amount of water you use.

The ideal irrigation times are early in the morning and the evening. If it is watered during sunny hours, it will evaporate. It will be watered every other day in the spring months (under normal conditions). In summer, it is very important to water twice a day. In autumn and winter, depending on rainfall, every 15-20 days and 20-30 days, respectively.

In general, they should be watered less when rainfall occurs, when there are shady areas in our garden, when there are areas hidden from the wind, or when the grass is somewhat tall.

Use Rainwater To Maintain Your Garden.

Recovering rainwater is a great way to save water when caring for your garden. Rain provides fully functional water to water your plants and is completely free.

You only need a tank, like the Brick Design Rainwater Recovery Tank Decoration, to collect it. You can water the different plants outside your home with the water it stores.

Continue Garden Maintenance By Reusing Water.

Another way that will allow you to save water is by reusing it. For example, if you water your plants, you can use the water you have used in your daily tasks.

Here, you can use almost any type of water, for example, those first moments when cold water comes out when you shower. You can also take advantage of the excess water in the kitchen, the water from the water leak from the air conditioners, or the water from the washing machine.

Add Native Plants To Garden Maintenance.

Choosing local plant species can also help you save water. These plants adapt better to the climatic conditions in your area, so you will avoid overwatering them.

You can use a Water Recovery Planter to care for those plants while recovering excess water for other activities. This pot includes a tank and downspout filter faucet to achieve quality water.

Use The Necessary Water In Garden Maintenance In Summer.

One of the most important tips for saving water is not to abuse watering. It is not about reducing the amount they need but analyzing how much they require and need. This way, you will avoid unnecessary water consumption, and it will not affect your plants.

Watering Newly Planted Grass

When the lawn has been finished seeding, it should be watered 2 to 4 times per day. The soil should be moist, 2.5 to 5 centimeters deep, but not flooded.

As the seeds germinate and the sprouts begin to grow, the new plants mustn’t dry out, so continue watering 2 to 4 times per day if the weather conditions are dry.

When the plants reach 2 centimeters in height, we must gradually reduce the frequency of watering but water with a greater volume of water. Once the grass has been mowed 2 or 3 times, it is best to water it less frequently but more deeply.

To maintain a lawn in good condition, special attention must be paid, among other things, to the need for moisture that it demands. Watering when you don’t need it is ultimately harmful and will lead to unnecessary additional costs.